Jun, 2024
Jun, 2024


Eitan Pub-Yosef, This new Holy Land in English Culture 1799–1917: Palestine plus the Question of Orientalism (Oxford: Clarendon Drive, 2005), 64

Eitan Pub-Yosef, This new Holy Land in English Culture 1799–1917: Palestine plus the Question of Orientalism (Oxford: Clarendon Drive, 2005), 64

chapter step 3 step 1. 2. J. Christopher Herold, Bonaparte inside Egypt (New york: Harper & Line, 1992), 5. step three. Ibid., 69–70. cuatro. Ibid., 82, 153. 5. Ibid., 145. 6. Ibid., 185. eight. 8. Cited ibid., 123. nine. Quoted ibid., 125. ten. Raymond Schwab, La renaissance orientale (Paris: Payot, 1950; Nyc: AMS, 1977), 71–74, 316–318. 11. Francis Steegmuller, ed., Flaubert inside Egypt: A feeling for the Journey (London: Bodley Head, 1972). twelve. Ge?rard de- Nerval, Visit the fresh new Orient, trans. Norman Mug (Ny: Nyc University Press, 1972). thirteen. Lesley Blanch, Pierre Loti: Excursion into the Legendary Personal (New york: I. B. Tauris, 2004), unnumbered photos point and you will 233. Discover including Pierre-Elizabeth. Briquet, Pierre Loti ainsi que l’orient (Neuchatel: E?ditions de- la Baconnie`re, 1945); and you will Pierre Loti, Aziyade?, trans. Marjorie Laurie (Nyc: Kegan Paul, 1989). 14. 15. Cited into the Hourani, Europe while the Middle east, several. 16. Ibid., 61–62. 17. Joseph Gobineau, Essai en ce qui concerne l’ine?galite? de l’ensemble des racing humaines (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1853). 18. Gustave Le Bon, Los angeles civilization de l’ensemble des Arabes, Book 6 (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1884), 165.

Ernest Renan, L’Islamisme mais aussi la research: Confe?rence faite a los angeles Sorbonne le 31 Mars 1883 (Paris: Calmann Ce?vy, 1883), 24, 21

19. Cited inside the J. W. Fu?ck, ‘‘Islam since a keen Historic Problem within the Western european Historiography because 1800,” in Lewis and Holt, Historians of Middle east, 303–314. 20. Ann Thomson, Barbary and you can Enlightenment: European Attitudes to the Maghreb regarding the 18th 100 years (New york: E. J. Brill, 1987), 72–73. 21. Gerald Meters. Ackerman, American Orientalists (Paris: ACR, 1994), 11. twenty-two. Ibid., 8. 23. Malcolm Warner, ‘‘The question out-of Believe: Orientalism, Christianity, and you may Islam,” on Orientalists: Delacroix so you can Matisse, Western european Musicians and artists from inside the Northern Africa plus the Near Eastern, ed. Mary Anne Stevens (London: Regal Academy of Arts, 1984), 8–38. twenty-four. Ibid., 38. twenty five. Cited in the Stevens, Orientalists, 19. 26. Holly Edwards, Good Ambitions, Wicked Pleasures: Orientalism in the us, 1870–1930 (Princeton: Princeton University Force, 2000), 10–eleven, 130. 27. Malek Alloula, The latest Colonial Harem, ed. Myrna Godzich and Wlad Godzich (Minneapolis: University away from Minnesota Press, 1986). 28. Quoted within the Reeves, Muhammad into the European countries, 31. 31. Robert Irwin, ‘‘The fresh Orient as well as the West out-of Bonaparte so you can T. Age. Lawrence,” for the Stevens, Orientalists, 22; Mary Anne Stevens, ‘‘West Art and its own Come upon into Islamic Globe,” during the Stevens, Orientalists, 22. 31. Roger Benjamin, an enthusiastic Australian ways historian, interviewed Dinet’s performs when you look at the Orientalist Appearance: Art, Colonialism, and you can French North Africa, 1880–1930 (Los angeles: College from California Press, 2003). 29. Benjamin, Orientalist Looks, 165. thirty two. Hilary Spurling, Matisse the proprietor: A longevity of Henri Matisse. Vol. dos, This new Conquest off Color, 1909–1954 (New york: Hamish Hamilton, Penguin, 2005), 101–108. 33. Cited when you look at the Debra N. Mancoff, David Roberts: Excursion within the Egypt and the Holy Residential property (San francisco: Pomegranate, 1999), 118–119. 34. Cited inside the Byron Porter Smith, Islam into the English Literary works, 221. thirty five. Quoted ibid., 232–233. 36. Quoted ibid., 226. 37. Quoted inside the Muhammed al-Da’mi, Arabian Mirrors and you will Western Soothsayers: Nineteenth-Century Literary Approaches to Arab-Islamic Background (Ny: Peter Lang, 2002), cuatro. 38. Quoted ibid., 110. 39. Ibid., 121. forty. Cited ibid., 111. 41. Ibid., 116. 42. Cited inside the Clinton Bennet, Victorian Images from Islam (London: Gray Secure, 1992), 109. 43. Cited ibid., twenty-eight. 44. Cited ibid., 111. forty-five. Cited ibid., 115. 46. Quoted ibid., 120–121.

Cited within the Hentsch, Picturing the middle Eastern, 127–128

47. Charles Forster, Mahometanism Disclosed (London: J. Duncan and J. Cochran, 1859), 1: 34. forty-eight. Ibid., 104. forty-two. Ibid., 108–109. fifty. Frederick Quinn, Becoming a great Pilgrim: The fresh new Anglican Ethos in history (New york: Crossroads, 2001), 191–194. 51. Quoted in the on the Nineteenth and you can 20th Centuries,” Islam and Christian–Muslim Connections 9.step 3 (1998): 359. 52. Frederick Denison Maurice, The Religions of the world in addition to their Relations so you’re able to Christianity (Boston: Gould and you may Lincoln, 1857), 251. 53. Cited in Albert Hourani, Islam for the European Think (Cambridge: Cambridge School Push, 1991), 20. 54. Maurice, Religions of the globe and their Affairs so you’re able to Christianity, 40–41. 55. Hourani, Islam during the Eu Believe, twenty two. 56. Maurice, Religions around the world as well as their Interactions so you’re able to Christianity, 168. 57. Ibid. 58. Dane Keith Kennedy, The Extremely Gentle Child: Richard Burton and also the Victorian Business (Cambridge, Size.: Harvard College or university Drive, 2005), 85. 59. Ibid., 74. sixty. Ibid., 79. 61. Ibid., 227. 62. Ibid., 221. 63. Cited for the Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Orientalism in the Lord Byron’s ‘‘Turkish Tales” (Lewiston, N.Y.: Mellen School Drive, 1995), 37. 64. Quoted ibid., 69. 65. Ibid., 71–127. 66. Cited ibid., forty-five. 67. Ibid., 165–166. 68. Cited during the Stevens, Orientalists, 18. 69. Mancoff, David Roberts. 70. Katharine Sim, David Roberts R.A great., 1796–1864: A bio (Nyc: Quartet Guides, 1984), 197. 71. Timothy Mitchell, Colonising Egypt (Berkeley: School off Ca Push, 1991), 28–30. 72. Bar-Yosef, Holy End up in English People, 132–133. 73. Hugh Casson, ‘‘Foreword,” for the Stevens, Orientalists, 13. 74. Jeffrey Richards, Imperialism and you can Audio: Britain 1876–1953 (Manchester: Manchester College or university Force, 2001), twenty five. 75. Quoted ibid., 386. 76. Georges Bizet, Djamileh, 1988. Orfeo Computer game C174881A. 77. John Davis, Brand new Surroundings away from Belief: Encountering the fresh new Holy Result in NineteenthCentury Western Art and you will Community (Princeton: Princeton College or university Force, 1996), 5. 78. Ibid., 9–ten. 79. Cited ibid., 95.

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