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Bernard Hollander, The first Signs of Madness: Their Prevention and you may Therapy (London: Stanley Paul and Co, 1912), 15; Anon

Bernard Hollander, The first Signs of Madness: Their Prevention and you may Therapy (London: Stanley Paul and Co, 1912), 15; Anon


Basic Yearly Declaration of Panel from Handle, to the Season 1914 (London: HMSO, 1916) (BoC AR 1914), Part dos Upton Asylum 16 February 1914, 206.

BoC AR 1914, Area 2, 154; Anon. The fresh LCC Medical facilities: An excellent Retrospect (London: LCC, 1949), 108; LCC LCC/MIN/00754 Minutes from various sub-committees 1915–1919: Review of professionals number necessary for 48-hours times, LMA.

BoC AR 1914, Area dos, Glamorgan Asylum 4 November 1914, 230; Montagu Lomax, New Event away from an Asylum Doc (London: Allen and you will Unwin, 1921), 73.

Richard van Emden and you will Steve Humphries, All of the Silent on the Domestic Front: A dental Reputation for Lifestyle in the uk in First Globe War (London: Title, 2003), 302.

Pamela Michael, Proper care and you may Therapy of the fresh new Mentally Unwell within the Northern Wales 1800–2000 (Cardiff: College or university from Wales Press, 2003), 112.

Hanwell LCC/MIN/01096 Conference, 9 October 1916, two hundred LMA; R Percy Smith, “Intellectual Conditions within the Civilians Arising for the Connexion for the Battle,” Process of your Royal Neighborhood out of Treatments 10 (1917): Element of Psychiatry, 1–20, 19; Hanwell LCC/MIN/01095 Appointment, eight June 1915, 99 LMA; Claybury LCC/MIN/00946 Meeting, cuatro February 1915, 10–eleven LMA.

Panel toward Administration out-of Personal Intellectual Hospitals (Chairman: Sir Cyril Cobb) (Cobb Query), 16 February 1922 Herbert Ellis Q:890, MH TNA.

Colney Hatch LCC/MIN/01007 Conference, sixteen Could possibly get 1919, 311 LMA; LCC LCC/MIN/00584 Conference, twenty four June 1919, 550 LMA; Cobb Inquiry, Q:306, MH TNA; BoC, page so you’re able to MSs “Cinematograph Installation,” 9 March 1923 MH TNA.

Joseph Melling and Bill Forsythe, The fresh new Government off Insanity: The official, Madness and you can Society within the The united kingdomt, 1845–1914 (London and you will Nyc: Routledge, 2006), 206.

Divorce or separation Courtroom Document 2441. Wife’s petition to own judicial breakup J TNA; Cobb Query, fifteen February 1922 Mr. Product sales Q:742, MH TNA.

Lionel Weatherly, A great Plea to your Wild: The situation to possess Reform from the Care and attention and Therapy of Intellectual Sickness (London: Grant Richards Ltd, 1918) 23.

Kathleen Jones, “Legislation and you will Mental health: Sticks otherwise Carrots,” 89–102, during the 150 Numerous years of British Psychiatry 1841–1991, ed. German Berrios and Hugh internationalcupid nedir Freeman (London: Gaskell, 1991), 96.

George Savage, “The newest Presidential Address, Introduced in the Beginning Meeting of the Part of Psychiatry away from the fresh Royal People off Drug, on the Oct 22nd, 1912,” Log regarding Mental Technology (JMS) 59 (1913): 14–27, fourteen

Jones, Mental health and you can Societal Plan, 35; Jones, “Law and you will Psychological state,” 95; Hugh Freeman, “Psychiatry in the uk c.1900,” Reputation for Psychiatry 21 (2010): 312–24, 312.

An excellent Helen Boyle, “Observations towards Very early Afraid and you can Mental Circumstances, which have Information on You can Change in Our Types of Dealing using them,” JMS 60 (1914): 381–99 (and additionally talk) 382–83.

Hollander, Basic Signs, 16; Anon. “Voluntary Intellectual Therapy Bill. Showed by the Earl Russell. Bought to be Printed July 22nd, 1914,” JMS 61 (1915): 481–82.

Central bodies offered offers for financing expenditure: Sir George Newman CMO memo to help you Sir Aubrey Symonds, c. inside Seebohm Rowntree, Poverty: A study of Urban area Lives (London: Macmillan and Co, 1902).

Lunatic Asylums Control Bill. Hansard HL Deb 30 April 1828 vol. 19 cc196-9; Richard Rows, “Clinics and you may Centers getting Teaching,” JMS 60 (1914): 674–81, 677; lett and Lesley Hoskins, “Comfort into the Little things? Gowns, Manage and you can Company from inside the State Lunatic Asylums inside Nineteenth- and you may Early 20th-Century The united kingdomt,” Diary out-of Victorian People 18 (2013): 93–114, 103.

JM Winter season, “Brand new Impression of the Earliest World Conflict to the Civil Wellness inside the Great britain,” Economic Record Feedback 31 (1977): 487–507, 499.

Colney Hatch LCC/MIN/01007 Conference, twenty two March 1918, 42; LCC LCC/MIN/00583 Meetings, 29 April 1918, 500; twenty six March 1918, 442 LMA; Hanwell LCC/MIN/01096 Fulfilling, 25 September 1916, 183; LCC/MIN/01094 Appointment, 31 March 1915, 309 LMA.

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